The uterus (Latin: uterus) is the female reproductive organ of humans. In this text, you will read all about the uterus and its functions. Anatomy of the Uterus The most important function of the uterus, is to accept a fertilized embryo which implants into its lining. After implantation, the embryo will develop into a fetus and it will stay inside the uterus until birth. The human uterus consists of two segments, being: The body of the uterus (Latin: corpus uteri). This is the largest part of the uterus and is also where the implantation of the embryo takes place. This part of the uterus is also connected to the fallopian tubes. The cervix (Latin: cervix uteri; often abbreviated as cervix). The cervix consists of the neck of the cervix and the ectocervix (often referred to as the ‘portio’). The ectocervix is visible and palpable inside the vagina and is therefore also the connection with the vagina. De portio (the ectocervix) is lined with squamous epithelium, the endocervical canal with mucus producing glandular epithelium. The shape of the uterus The human uterus is pear shaped. Yet the shape of the uterus varies from organism to organism. For instance, animals that generally bear more than one young have two uterine horns (cornua uteri), one left and one right. This way, each uterine horn can harbour one or more young. The size of the uterus of an adult woman is about 5 to 10 centimetres. The uterus of a woman who has never been pregnant before is about the size of a mandarin. After the first pregnancy (and birth) the uterus is slightly bigger. During pregnancy, the uterus will expand and become heavier. The uterus of a pregnant woman can reach a weight of a kilogram. This weight does not include the placenta, amniotic fluid and fetus. When the woman hits menopause, the uterus will shrink slightly. Position of the Uterus The uterus lies deep in the abdomen. To be more precise, the uterus lies within the pelvic diaphragm, directly behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. There are several ligaments that hold the uterus in place. The broad ligament (ligamentum latum) and the round ligament (ligamentum rotondum) are the most important ligaments. What does the uterine wall consist of The uterine wall consists largley of smooth muscle tissue. This layer is called the myometrium. During labour, this smooth muscle tissue will contract (contractions) in order to push the baby out of the body. Just like any organ in the human body, the uterus also needs blood. This blood is supplied by two uterine arteries. The Latin names of these arteries are aa. uteria. These arteries are situated on the left and on the right of the uterus. The endometrium The endometrium is also referred to as the uterine lining and it lines the entire uterine cavity. The endometrium reacts strongly to two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Under the influence of estrogen, the uterine lining becomes thicker. The hormone progesterone stimulates the production of more mucus glands. Once the progesterone levels drop (there is less progesterone to be found in the body), the mature and thick uterine lining can no longer stay intact and it must leave the body. When the uterine lining leaves the body through the vagina, we call this menstruation. What many people don't know, is that the endometrium consists of two layers, namely the: Basal layer (lamina basalis). This basal layer always remains present inside the uterus. Functional layer (lamina functionalis). This layer is shed during menstruation and will build up again from the basal layer. Abnormalities and diseases of the uterus There are several abnormalities and diseases that can occur in the uterus. The following abnormalities and diseases may occur in the uterus: Inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis). Polyps Hyperplasia Uterine Cancer Fibroids Malignant tumor Trophoblast abnormalities Cervix polyp Warts Extropion Endometriosis Cervical Cancer Examination of the uterus There are several reasons why an examination of the uterus may be necessary. For example, a woman who consults her GP due to specific symptoms, if a woman is pregnant, or if a woman needs to be examined for uterine cancer. Examination of the uterus can be done in several ways, the method used depends on the reason for the examination. The uterus can be examined in the following ways: Vaginal examination Speculum examination Ultrasound Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy The uterus and the orgasm When a woman is sexually aroused, the uterus will erect slightly. The uterus is pulled in an upward direction, making the vagina slightly longer. When a women has an orgasm, the pelvic muscles and the uterine muscle contract. There are women who barely feel the contraction of the uterine muscle, but there are also women who find that these contractions produce a very pleasant feeling. When the woman has had an orgasm, it can take up to ten minutes before the uterus has returned to its normal position. The Cervix The cervix (also referred to as the cervix uteri) is the narrow, cylindrical portion of the uterus. One end of the cervix protrudes into the top end of the vagina, and the other end is continuous with the corpus uteri. The inside of the cervix is lined with columnar epithelium. In the vagina, the cervix has an opening referred to as the external os (ostium externum). When one looks into the vagina, the part of the cervix that is visible is referred to as the 'portio'. Usually, (excluding during the ovulation) the uterus is blocked by a thick impermeable mucus. This mucosal plug can be found inside the cervix, and it protects the uterus against all kinds of infections. When a woman is pregnant, the cervix dilates shortly before labor. During the dilation of the cervix, the mucosal plug will come out (often accompanied by some blood). This is usually a signal that labor is about to commence. During the menstrual cycle, the cervix undergoes a few changes. Just after menstruation, the cervix is closed and positioned relatively low. In the period leading up to ovulation, the cervix rises, and the structure becomes softer. In this period, the cervix also opens slightly. After the ovulation, the cervix will return to its low position and the opening will close again. Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is relatively common amongst women and is caused by an infection of Human Papillomavirus (abb. HPV). Cervical cancer can be detected at an early stage by examining a smear (via vaginal examination). If cervical cancer is detected at an early stage, treatment is effective and the woman is likely to be cured of this type of cancer.

Monday, 10 October 2011


In mammals, the adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal glands) are endocrine glands that sit atop the kidneys; in humans, the right suprarenal gland is
triangular shaped, while the left suprarenal
gland is semilunar shaped. They are chiefly
responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids such as cortisol and catecholamines such as epinephrine. The adrenal glands affect kidney function
through the secretion of aldosterone, a hormone involved in regulating the osmolarity of blood plasma. Anatomy and Physiology Anatomically, the adrenal glands are
located in the retroperitoneum situated atop the kidneys, one on each side. They are surrounded by an adipose capsule and renal fascia. In humans, the adrenal glands are found at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. Each adrenal gland has two distinct structures, the adrenal cortex and the medulla, both of which produce hormones. The cortex mainly produces cortisol, aldosterone and androgens, while the medulla chiefly produces epinephrine and norepinephrine. The combined weight of the adrenal glands in an adult human ranges from 7 to 10 grams.[1] A CT scan in which the Adrenals are shown as the triangular-shaped organs on top of the kidneys Cortex The adrenal cortex is devoted to the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones. Specific cortical cells produce particular
hormones including cortisol, corticosterone, androgens such as testosterone, and aldosterone. Under normal unstressed conditions, the human adrenal glands
produce the equivalent of 35–40 mg of cortisone acetate per day.[2] In contrast to the direct innervation of the medulla, the
cortex is regulated by neuroendocrine hormones secreted by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, as well as by the renin- angiotensin system. The adrenal cortex comprises three zones,
or layers. This anatomic zonation can be
appreciated at the microscopic level,
where each zone can be recognized and
distinguished from one another based on structural and anatomic characteristics.[3] The adrenal cortex exhibits functional
zonation as well: by virtue of the
characteristic enzymes present in each
zone, the zones produce and secrete distinct hormones.[3] Zona glomerulosa (outer) The outermost layer, the zona glomerulosa is the main site for production of mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone, which is largely responsible for the long-term regulation of blood pressure. Zona fasciculata Situated between the glomerulosa and
reticularis, the zona fasciculata is responsible for producing glucocorticoids, chiefly cortisol in humans. The zona fasciculata secretes a
basal level of cortisol but can also
produce bursts of the hormone in
response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary. Zona reticularis The inner most cortical layer, the zona reticularis produces androgens, mainly dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S) in humans. Medulla The adrenal medulla is the core of the adrenal gland, and is surrounded by the
adrenal cortex. The chromaffin cells of the medulla, named for their characteristic
brown staining with chromic acid salts, are the body's main source of the circulating catecholamines adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine). Derived from the amino acid tyrosine, these water-soluble hormones are major
hormones underlying the fight-or-flight response. To carry out its part of this response, the
adrenal medulla receives input from the sympathetic nervous system through preganglionic fibers originating in the thoracic spinal cord from T5–T11.[4] Because it is innervated by preganglionic
nerve fibers, the adrenal medulla can be
considered as a specialized sympathetic ganglion.[4] Unlike other sympathetic ganglia, however, the adrenal medulla
lacks distinct synapses and releases its
secretions directly into the blood. Cortisol also promotes epinephrine
synthesis in the medulla. Produced in the
cortex, cortisol reaches the adrenal medulla
and at high levels, the hormone can
promote the upregulation of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), thereby increasing epinephrine synthesis and secretion.[3] Blood supply Although variations of the blood supply to
the adrenal glands (and indeed the kidneys
themselves) are common, there are usually
three arteries that supply each adrenal
gland: The superior suprarenal artery is provided by the inferior phrenic artery The middle suprarenal artery is provided by the abdominal aorta The inferior suprarenal artery is provided by the renal artery Venous drainage of the adrenal glands is achieved via the suprarenal veins: The right suprarenal vein drains into the inferior vena cava The left suprarenal vein drains into the left renal vein or the left inferior phrenic vein. The suprarenal veins may form anastomoses with the inferior phrenic veins. Since the right supra-renal vein is short and drains directly into the inferior
vena cava it is likely to injure the latter
during removal of right adrenal for various
reasons. The adrenal glands and the thyroid gland are the organs that have the greatest blood
supply per gram of tissue. Up to 60 arterioles may enter each adrenal gland.[5] This may be one of the reasons lung cancer
commonly metastasizes to the adrenals. Terminology The adrenal glands are named for their
location relative to the kidneys. The term
"adrenal" comes from ad- (Latin, "near")
and renes (Latin, "kidney"). Similarly,
"suprarenal" is derived from supra- (Latin,
"above") and renes.

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